Constitution Party of Wyoming


The 2024 election cycle is well under way, and our FIGHT to PROTECT LIBERTY in the Cowboy State continues!

While Republicans and Democrats continue to battle for hegemony by trampling the rights of American citizens and circumventing the U.S. Constitution, the Constitution Party of Wyoming holds fast to the principles that have made our nation the greatest — and most free — in history.

Discover our values in our current platform!

CP of Wyoming hosts 2024 State Convention

Constitution Party of Wyoming State Chairman Jeff Haggit presented Laramie County’s Melissa Stumpf with a commemorative plaque highlighting the party’s unique logo at the 2024 state convention in Hulett.


Constitution Party of Wyoming State Chairman Jeff Haggit presented Campbell County Chairman Bill Fortner with a commemorative plaque highlighting the party’s unique logo at the 2024 state convention in Hulett.


The Constitution Party of Wyoming hosted its 2024 State Convention at the Greater Hulett Convention Center in Hulett, Wyo., March 23-24. Delegates and representatives from seven Wyoming counties were in attendance, including those from Campbell, Converse, Crook, Hot Springs, Laramie, Platte and Uinta counties.

Delegates met to examine and approve candidates for state and national offices, consider changes and updates to the party’s platform and bylaws, as well as select Wyoming delegates to the Constitution Party’s National Convention, slated for April 24-27, 2024, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Mountain View, Wyo., resident and chairman of the Constitution Party of Wyoming Jeff Haggit was vetted and confirmed as the Constitution Party of Wyoming’s candidate for the state’s sole seat in the U.S. House of Representatives during the convention.

Haggit, who also earned the party’s nomination for the U.S. House seat in 2020, is looking forward to a vigorous campaign advocating a return to Constitutional principles in Washington, D.C. — principles long under siege by an overreaching federal government.

The event included a dinner on Friday evening following the committee meetings at the convention center, which was catered by Hulett’s Ponderosa Café. Former Constitution Party of Wyoming U.S. House candidate and Constitutional scholar Dr. Dan Cummings was the keynote speaker.

The party would like to particularly thank Vice Chairman Bill Motley, along with the residents and business people of Hulett and Crook County, for their warm welcome to our delegates during the convention.

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Fall 2023 National Committee Meeting


We were back in St. Louis again for the fall NCM meeting. Friday, Oct. 20, after presenting and approving the minutes from the spring meeting, the treasury report was submitted and approved. Other various reports were submitted and discussed. 

Good news! Alaska has met all the requirements for affiliation and was approved. The state party is now officially part of the Constitution Party.

The Constitution Party Presidential Nominating Convention location was submitted, and approved, to held in Utah April 17-20th. More details to come.

Friday afternoon, we listened to regional chair reports and speakers, including Bradley Dean, with the “Sons of Liberty,” who gave a fiery call to arms titled “The Price of Freedom.” After dinner, attendees heard from Alaskan Joe Miller, who witnessed voter fraud firsthand during his run for office in that state. Miller’s presentation was titled, “Navigating America’s Critical Crossroads: A Patriot’s Dilemma.”

Saturday was all speakers, who provided lots of great information. For more information on those presentations, find the national party online at

The afternoon concluded with the silent auction winners being announced, and followed by a couple more speeches. The keynote speaker was General Michael Flynn, titled “Waking up America.”

The event proved to be a great and informative weekend!        

Jeff Haggit

State Chairman

Fighting the 30x30 Land Grab

Cherry County, Neb., commissioner and Constitutional advocate Tanya Storer offered the 2021 Constitution Day Celebration keynote, which focused on the Biden Administration’s disastrous “30×30” land grab executive order.

Download the “Guide to Fight the 30×30 Land Grab” Storer mentions in her lecture

Are your Wyoming state legislators fighting for your Constitutional rights? Click the button to find a report.