
2021 Constitution Day Dinner Keynote

Cherry County, Neb., commissioner and Constitutional advocate Tanya Storer offered the 2021 Constitution Day Celebration keynote, which focused on the Biden Administration’s disastrous “30×30” land grab executive order.

Download the “Guide to Fight the 30×30 Land Grab” Storer mentions in her lecture

2019 Constitution Day Dinner Keynote

Wyoming State Senator Lynn Hutchings offered the keynote address at the 2019 Constitution Day Dinner, sponsored by the Constitution Party of Wyoming, at the Cheyenne Country Club Sept. 21.

2019 Washington Day Dinner

Kitty Werthmann was the keynote speaker at the Constitution Party of Wyoming – Platte County’s Washington Day Dinner in February.


2018 Wyoming State Convention

John Birch Society’s Robert Brown addresses delegates at the 5th Wyoming Constitution Party State Convention in Lusk May 5, 2018.

2016 Wyoming State Convention

Constitutional authority Scott Bradley addresses delegates at the 4th Wyoming Constitution Party State Convention in 2016.